Oppressions, then, are by definition linked – linked by common ideologies, by institutional forces, and by socialization that makes oppressions normative and invisible.

Introduction to Sister Species

Engaging Religious Institutions

Animal Rights National Conference

Animals and Social Justice

Eating Earth: Environmental Ethics & Dietary Choice

Eating Earth offers a concise examination of the environmental effects of dietary choice, including animal agriculture, fishing, and hunting. The first chapter examines greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, waste and dead zones, freshwater depletion, deforestation, predator control, and land use—including the ranching industry’s public lands subsidies—stemming from animal agriculture.

Chapter two investigates the environmental effects of fishing, exposing the indiscriminate nature of hooks and nets, the tragedy of bycatch, and the “silent collapse” of ocean ecosystems.

Chapter three outlines the historic connection between the U. S. Government, wildlife management, and hunters, then systematically unravels common misconceptions about sport hunting, debunking myths of hunting as merciful, just, economical, and ecologically sound.

At the end of each chapter, Kemmerer critically examines alternatives—organic and local, grass fed, aquaculture, new fishing technologies, and enhanced regulations—ultimately indicating a vegan diet. Kemmerer’s writing, supported by nearly 80 graphs and summary slides, is straightforward, clear, and punctuated with wry humor.

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Food choices are the number one determinant of an individual’s environmental footprint.

Eating Earth